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IM is a new user-oriented automotive technology company jointly created by SAIC, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba Group, founded on December 25, 2020, to explim-electric-carore the realization of “software-defined automobile”.
The brand name “IM” means Intelligence in Motion, which is a rational reflection on the evolution direction of intelligent vehicles: focusing on the deep intelligentization of the whole vehicle, which is created by the synergy of artificial intelligence and human intelligence, and the mutual achievement of each other.
The brand logo is a distortion of the letters of IM, which is also a unique mark created in the AI era.[17] The brand logo design is a variation of the letters of IM, which is also a unique mark created in the AI era. The design of the brand logo contains the numerical code from 0 to 1, which expresses simplicity and can create a new world with infinite changes. In the era of big data, this Icon composed of 0 and 1 uses the language of simplicity, affinity and interconnection to embody the tension of intelligent technology with a sense of temperature. It uses artistic perception to express the voice of a change agent: to create a new era of intelligent mobility with consumers in the new era.
IM is a car brand with wisdom for all things, diligently exploring, in the era of artificial intelligence, the change of intelligent mobility will be defined, created and realized by “us”.